Tuesday, April 22, 2014

U.S. Kerahkan teams to Poland and the Baltic

U.S. says it is deploying 600 troops to Poland and the three Baltic states bordering Russia .
The deployment , according to the U.S. government , as a form of security for the obligations of its commitment in Europe .

A spokesman for the Department of Defense , Rear Admiral John Kirby , said the troops will begin arriving Wednesday, April 23 and will participate in the bilateral exercise .

" Since the Russian aggression in Ukraine , we constantly look at various ways to convince allies and our partners , " said Kirby told a news conference in Washington .

He added that there is no time limit on the deployment of troops in Poland , Estonia , Lithuania , and Latvia . " How far is it ? I can not specifically give a time limit and a time schedule . "

The deployment will take place with the troops for a rotation system for the rest of the year .
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The crisis in Ukraine - the joining of Crimea to Russia - United States raised concerns over stability in the euro area . Since the crisis , the Pentagon has sent 12 F - 16 fighter aircraft and support team to the Polish air force .


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