Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Immigration : Licensed Teacher JIS Not Troubled

South Jakarta Immigration Office said there was no problem with the licensing of teachers in kindergartens, Jakarta International School, Jakarta . Last week, Immigration entourage came to the school to check the licensing of teachers .

" The data intensive and there is no violation," said Principal Sexy Surveillance Anggi Wicaksono Kanim South Jakarta , Monday , 28 April 2014. It states across the early childhood teacher education category eligible to live and work while staying in Indonesia .
( Read: cara membuat email facebook )

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 , Immigration Office to conduct operations at the school. For approximately two hours , the Immigration sorting data in the school. This examination is a response to the Immigration office on the JIS report that does not meet the licensing requirements of early childhood education promoted by the Ministry of Education and Culture . "It 's time we double check because there mencuatnya TK issue is illegal, " he said.

The Police did not ask for immigration permits to prevent teachers in the schools abroad. "If no why anything should be prevented , " said Metro Jaya Regional Police spokesman Comr Rikwanto .

Police have set six suspects in cases of sexual violence in the schools. Sixth is clean energy channeled by PT ISS Indonesia , the company employed alihdaya school . ( Read : Runtutan Time and Suspect Sexual Abuse in JIS )

According to the plan , the town would be calling the school policy . However , Rikwanto not confirm the inspection a number of teachers will be related to the sexual assault case . " We just want to know how the educational process and guiding there, " he said.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Yusril: The Declining Quality pileg

Chairman of the Shura Council Star Party Yusril Ihza Mahendra said he was disappointed in the conduct of legislative elections in 2014 because of fraud happening everywhere .

" Buying and selling voice , voice cannibalism of one party to the other party . I assume it is democracy that is run on a nation with quality like this , " said Yusril Ihza Mahendra after attending a " Presidential Finding People Desire " in Jakarta , Monday ( 28/4 ) .
( Read: lovebird lutino )

According to him , democracy in Indonesia is really determined by the money , even though on the surface there are elections and democracy .
He was deeply concerned that many people are happy to relevant percentage of votes political parties . " And behind it all is actually money that play . If such is going to where the nation forward , because I still, I did not say anything after the election , " he said .

He considered the election is now worse than the 2009 elections because of violations. " I think the elections quality decline , I think it's great the 1955 election and 1999 , after the electoral decline , and is determined by money . So , it was not for his ideology , " he said .

Related coalition of Islamic parties , he expressed no Islamic and nationalist party , for him there is only party that has the money and the party did not have any money . " There is money , wrote a ghost party can win , " he said .

Nevertheless , he accepted his party 's defeat as a reality . ' Lost ' real ' or due to the electoral system , I accept defeat as a reality , "he said .

Yusril also said he would not move to a bigger party . " Call me to go to another party had always been there , but I still do not want to , I still hold fast to idealism , " he said .


HTC Design Boss Resigns

HTC design boss announced his resignation . Scott Croyle , HTC 's Head of Design is an important figure during the design of the HTC hero mobile phones , including the latest HTC handsets M8 .

Thanks to the cold hands of Scott , phones made ​​by HTC designs widely praised by critics . Call it the HTC X , One S , One and One M8 . Quoted from Cnet , on Monday ( 28/04/2014 ) , he joined the HTC since 2008 .
( Read: burung cendrawasih )

Not explained in detail the reasons Croyle resigned . HTC said he would work on his own project . For a time before the appointed successor , he will still be involved as an advisor to the design of the HTC .

HTC is still fighting hard against the dominance of Apple and Samsung in the smartphone segment . The latest product HTC M8 gets a lot of praise , although not yet clear what kind of performance in the market .

To strengthen the marketing that has been judged to be their weakness , HTC has recruited Paul Golden , executive Samsung . The man who coined the name Galaxy S is expected to popularize the HTC phone with a better marketing strategy .


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ukrainian - Russian conflict heats up , Trends Gold Price Gains

Gold futures rose at the close of trading Friday on the New York Stock Exchange , United States . Geopolitical tensions between Ukraine and Russia are increasing and falling stocks on Wall Street encouraging gains in the precious metals market .

As reported by MarketWatch , Monday, April 28, 2014 , the contract price of gold for June delivery rose U.S. $ 10.20 ( 0.8 per cent ) to U.S. $ 1,300.80 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange . Gold prices rose 0.5 percent last week compared to the previous week .

Analysts and financial advisors of Wescott Financial Advisory Group , Richard Gotterer , stating that for several months the gold seems to have found a comfortable position in a variety of trading in the precious metals market .
( Read: cara membuat blog gratis )

" The movement up or down in this range have been based on changes in sentiment related to economic data , corporate earnings and global conflict , " said Gotterer .

" In Russia and Ukraine dominate news global conflict , any potential increase in military action will put up the price range foothold in the gold trade , " he added .

The domestic market
Meanwhile , domestically , Processing and Refining Business Unit Precious Metals PT Antam Tbk reported on the transaction price of gold bullion today is moving up .

The price of gold bullion Antam sold Rp535.000 to measure a gram , up 1,000 compared to the price per gram on Friday, April 25, 2014 transaction is pegged Rp535.000 .

Gold size 5 grams removed at Rp2.530.000 , Rp5.010.000 size 10 grams , 25 grams Rp12.450.000 size , size Rp24.850.000 50 grams , 100 grams and the size is sold Rp49.650.000 .

The price of gold the size of 250 grams is still capped at 500 grams and measures Rp124.000.000 reach Rp247.800.000 .

The purchase price (buyback ) today Antam's gold capped at Rp475.000 , up 1,000 compared with the previous transaction .


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

U.S. Kerahkan teams to Poland and the Baltic

U.S. says it is deploying 600 troops to Poland and the three Baltic states bordering Russia .
The deployment , according to the U.S. government , as a form of security for the obligations of its commitment in Europe .

A spokesman for the Department of Defense , Rear Admiral John Kirby , said the troops will begin arriving Wednesday, April 23 and will participate in the bilateral exercise .

" Since the Russian aggression in Ukraine , we constantly look at various ways to convince allies and our partners , " said Kirby told a news conference in Washington .

He added that there is no time limit on the deployment of troops in Poland , Estonia , Lithuania , and Latvia . " How far is it ? I can not specifically give a time limit and a time schedule . "

The deployment will take place with the troops for a rotation system for the rest of the year .
( Read: suara pleci mp3 )

The crisis in Ukraine - the joining of Crimea to Russia - United States raised concerns over stability in the euro area . Since the crisis , the Pentagon has sent 12 F - 16 fighter aircraft and support team to the Polish air force .


Monday, April 21, 2014

Five robbers arrested in Semarang Street

Five of the eight actors theft accompanied by acts of violence in the city of Semarang Semarang diringkus Polrestabes alignment , Monday ( 04/21/2014 ) . Action usual suspects dubbed the evening.

Kapolrestabes Semarang , Comr Pol Djihartono said the robber 's arrest came from captured suspects V. Policy and then expand sniffing other performer , up diperolah the names of other suspects .

" We initially arrest suspects V , then after be called a scene, we caught three friends . They - they are the ones that drew people of Semarang last few months , "said Djihartono in degree matter Mapolrestabes Semarang on Monday .

Five robbers who diringkus respectively Purbo Wilarso ( 20 ), who Kauman Road in 25 001 / 007 , Palebon subdistrict , district Pedurungan ; Danang Prastiyo ( 20 ), who Sawahbesar Way XIII , Kaligawe wards , districts and Gayamsari ; Rio Saputra ( 19 ), who Lamper MIJEN Rt 007 / 006 , Lampertengah subdistrict , district Pedurungan .

Then the other suspects , Nur Recha Abdian Jihad ( 19 ), who Pucangsari Street East VIII/20 , Village Batursari , Sub Neetzka , Demak Regency and Gregory Arnold Ferdian ( 19 ) , the original X Ciliwung Street , chief Mlatiharjo , Eastern District of Semarang .

Three other name is still a fugitive task force Monyong ( 19 ) , Sis ( 20 ) and Supri ( 19 ) . They are citizens of District Road Ronggolawe Neetzka Demak Regency .

According Djihartono , the perpetrator commits the criminal offense on Saturday, October 12, 2013 , at around 1:40 pm. In its action , the pillion Abdian suspect colleagues , Purbo memepet two victims who ride motor to fall victim .

The suspect then pulled a weapon sharp and membacokkannya on hips and arms of the victim . One of the victims managed to escape , and is pursued by the other suspects , namely gembel . While the other actors , Danang , Arnold , and nuts waiting on the motor. Suspect Purbo then known motor can bring the victim to leave the location .

" We threatened them all with article 365 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code penalty of 12 years in prison , " she explained .

Police also seized a number of items of evidence evil , that Honda motorbike Blade policy number H 3634 RR and celurit over 59 cm are used performers.
( Read: anis merah ngriwik )

One of the suspects, Rio Saputra , claimed to have acted dozens of times and could steal the victim 's motor . Motor then sold to the receiver at Rp 1.2 million . "The money we for 200 's of thousands , then there also for drinking.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

No sympathy from the North Korean Ferry Disaster Related

Pyongyang - major incident engulfing South Korea to invite sympathy and condolences from around the world . But there is a neighboring country and no matter who remained indifferent to the tragedy experienced by South Korea , which North Korea .

There was absolutely no sympathy from North Korea against South Korea over the sinking of a ferry Sewol . North Korean authorities also issued a no comment at all for the tragedy , which in recent days dominate the global mass media . Similarly, as reported by AFP on Monday ( 04/21/2014 ) .
( Read: opera mini untuk hp )

About 45 heads of state have sent a message of condolence to South Korea , including U.S. President Barack Obama , Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping . But there was no word of a North Korean leader Kim Jong Un .

Media Korean Central News Agency ( KCNA ) reported activity even Kim Jong Un who is enjoying performances famous female band called Moranbong Band on Wednesday ( 16/4 ) night . News about the incident in South Korean ferry had just discussed a little in the KCNA news broadcast on Saturday ( 19/4 ) yesterday . Just mentioned that the incident killed many people .

KCNA quoted the South Korean media that highlights the anger of victims' families the rescue operation and search for survivors ship sank . The only comment in the broadcast delivered KCNA with advise South Korean government to bear the pain and anger families of the victims .

During this time , South Korea and North Korea are technically at war like . Some incidents , such as the missile test by North Korea exacerbating tensions between the two countries . When father Kim Jong Un , Kim Jong Il died in December 2011 , the South Korean government officially expressed condolences to North Korea .

North Korea indifferent attitude towards the South Korean ferry tragedy has sparked public anger South Korean online . " We do not expect any support from the bad people like you , but at least you could say a few soothing words , " wrote a South Korean Internet users on the site naver.com .

" The whole world offered condolences to the victims , but what do the North ... it is very reprehensible . Be a man! " wrote one other internet users .


Friday, April 18, 2014

Tips to Clean Junk Files on Android

One of the things that cause the Android smartphone running the command is slow in the remaining memory capacity is already tight , especially if a lot of applications pre-installed from the manufacturer .

There are several applications that can be used to clean the file " junk " in the smartphone so that the internal storage capacity becomes more relieved . Thus , the smartphone can run tasks faster without having to do the rooting .

Rooting an Android smartphone or tablet device does provide freedom which applications can run , or move it to an external memory . However , sometimes rooting also lead to missing the manufacturer warranty .

The solution , to make the internal storage becomes more spacious , is deleting files " junk " that are not used anymore , such as downloading files or cached data is stored .

To do so , the following are applications that can be used .

ES File Explorer - To manage which files are to be stored and removed , as the downloaded file , email , and other sources , the file manager can be used , such as ES File Explorer . This application is also integrated with popular cloud storage services , such as Google Drive , Dropbox , and more .

In addition to deleting files , users can also backup these files to a cloud storage service site earlier . Especially for photo files or video pity if removed .

If not , the user can move the photo data or videos to external storage by transferring files to your PC or laptop .
( Read: harga burung cucak ijo bahan )

1 Tap Cleaner and Clean Master - Application 1 Tap Cleaner can also be used to delete the cached files that are not used anymore . The cached files will continue to accumulate if not cleaned , especially if the smartphone has a variety of applications . Similar applications that can be tried is the Clean Master .


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Suspected UFO Objects Appear in British Sky

WARWICKSHIRE - A teenager Georgina Heap , documenting a mysterious ring-shaped black object with a cell phone that looks at the sky Warwickshire , England .

Heap said the mysterious ring -shaped object was seen on top of the building Leamington Spa for three minutes before disappearing .

Firefighters said that there was no fire at the time and in charge of the Met Office weather problems in the UK also said that the weather at the time of the strange object appears very good .

" It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen , " said Heap , as quoted Reddit , Wednesday ( 16/04/2014 )

" I kept wondering what it was . strange thing was just floating there like a cloud and then disappeared . There were about ten people who also saw it , "said teenager 16 years .
see alsovitamin burung parkit )

Experts Unidentified Flying Object ( UFO ) , Nick Pope said , that it was really weird maybe it was just a smoke ring .

" One other possibility is a flock of bees or insects in flight , but I 've never heard of insects behave in this way before , " said Pope .

As is known , the discovery of this mysterious object shaped ring baffled experts and Britons .

However , some users of social networking , Reddit claim to have an explanation for this unique phenomenon . They say that it is actually just a smoke ring generated from Warwick Castle .

" My friend works there and they often make an event Trebuchet Show where they shoot a big fireball and smoke that happen to form a ring , " wrote one Reddit user .


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Last Day of UN, Student "Inconsiderate"

KOLAKA - The last day of the implementation of the national exam ( UN ) , was carried out in various ways students . Just as in high school 1 Wundulako . The students bring cell phones into the exam room cubicle . A student was caught red-handed by a supervisor when she was playing a mobile phone ( HP ) them .

The high school students 1 Wundulako , Kolaka , Southeast Sulawesi bring cellphone into a room without knowledge of the room when the UN inspectors , Wednesday ( 04/16/2014 ) .

Difficult it is to do the exam this time create confusion when the students do the problems , plus a physical exam are about the same in numbers 32 and 33 .
( Read: cara download youtube di android )

Different as well because the script package . A student who is found by the supervisor space while playing a cellphone in the exam room immediately confiscate the HP students .

The difficulty of the exam work on making the students take a variety of ways and reckless bring HP into the classroom . When the subjects Physics , almost all students doing exam confused , because of the script about the different packages as well as about the same in numbers 32 and 33 .


Dino No problem if the Democratic Convention Target Down So Vice President

Convention participants Democratic presidential candidate Dino Patti Djalal said , he would continue to participate in the convention stage although it is likely the winner was championed as a candidate , but vice .

This is related to the acquisition of Democratic votes in the Legislative elections based on a quick count predicted to be in the range of 9-10 percent .

This figure is far from the threshold condition carries its own candidate , which is 20 percent of parliamentary seats , or 25 percent of the valid votes nationwide .

" I will keep up , seeing the growing political reality , " said Dino , in a text message received Kompas.com , Wednesday ( 04/16/2014 ) .

Dino argues , Democrats actually still have a chance to carry the candidate with a number of other parties in a coalition .

" With the Democratic Party 's presidential candidate signifies carrying forward the political map will be very dynamic , " said Dino .
(see also: kenari f1 )

Most importantly , according to Dino , the competition will have to weigh the presidential election . He hoped that the democratic process in the upcoming presidential election is not monotonous and able to nurture the passion of voters to determine the ideal leaders .


Monday, April 14, 2014

MH370: Drone reduced as quickly as possible

" Ocean Shield which carries the signal search tool will stop looking for these days . The vessel will deploy unmanned underwater vehicle as soon as possible .
We have not detected any of the signals in the last six days .

So I think it 's time to lower the sea , "said Angus Houston , MH370 aircraft search coordinator in a press conference in Perth , Australia .

Normal life span of a battery is generally the plane's black boxes to 30 days . The MH370 aircraft has now been missing for 38 days .
Operating 20 hours
Search team believes MH370 Click the black box is about 1,550 kilometers northwest of Perth .

According to Houston , Bluefin 21 will enable the search team to create a map of the seabed sonar considering no longer detectable signal . Cookware made ​​in the United States will be operated for 20 hours a day .
( see also: obat burung dara balap )

Bluefin 21 has a length of 4.93 meters and weighing transporting 750 kilograms sonar trackers . Devices that can operate at a depth of 4,500 meters below sea level .


Friday, April 11, 2014

HTC Harman Kardon M8 Version Released Soon?

A tweet from the account @ evleaks revealed that HTC is preparing the latest version of HTC boasts an M8 with support Harman Kardon audio , the HTC One M8 Version Harman Kardon . The account explains that the M8 version will be released in the near future .

Reporting from phonearena , @ evleaks said that HTC Karman Kardon M8 version will be available exclusively to Sprint in the United States .

Unfortunately , not much information is included in the chirp , including the lack of information related to the price , specs and release date will be available from the third largest operator in the superpower. Of course, customers of Sprint wondering about the truth of the news , and to dig up information about the release date of the HTC M8 Version Harman Kardon .
(see also: Waptrick Situs Download)

However, many have questioned the HTC steps " woo" as Harman Kardon audio embedded in the M8 . Are HTC and then slowly switch from the Beats Audio then use Harman Kardon for its flagship .

As is known , Harman Kardon has long been known as a manufacturer of audio systems for high -quality audio products that appeal to audiophiles , which is used in various electronic devices , car audio systems , computers and notebooks up . Harman Kardon Harman founded by Sydney ( alm ) , a pioneer and expert in technology-based stereo audio industry is also the creator of the Harman - Kardon branded products .


Deposition Mud MH370 search difficult for the Indian Ocean

A P3 Orion aircraft Australia has detected the possibility of a signal from the plane's black boxes Malaysia Airlines MH370 lost some time ago . However , search into the seabed of the Indian Ocean will be compounded thus the presence of silt .

Marshal Angus Houston , who led the search operation , said the plane detects a signal near the Royal Australian Navy ship Ocean Shield on Thursday ( 10/3 ) , yesterday .
Houston said , further analysis is required , but the signal may come from a man-made sources .

Has narrowed the search area of 75 thousand square kilometers to about 58 thousand square kilometers . Searches carried out after four signal detected in an area of less than 40 kilometers away from the U.S. Navy 's search tool installed by Ocean Shield . The fifth signal detected by the plane that captures the transmission of a listening device mounted near the ship Ocean Shield .

Center of the search area is located approximately 2,280 kilometers north-west of Perth . The black box flight recorders will probably give an answer about what happened swampland plane , carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew when it disappeared on March 8, on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing .

The battery of the black box may be dead after 30 days , so the effort to find it at the bottom of the ocean becomes more difficult .
Search efforts are now focused on two areas - aircraft and ships in the area around 2,240 kilometers north-west of Perth . Included in the smaller area of about 600 kilometers closer to the West Australian .

The experts argue , this operation is a very difficult task .
" Working near the bottom of the sea is very difficult because it is unfamiliar territory : no one had ever been there before , " said University of NSW marine experts , Erik van Sebille .
(see also: lomba burung 2014)

Air Marshal Houston agrees and warns , because the sea is deep, so the search for the missing plane was going to be very difficult .
Conditions of silt on the sea floor also complicate efforts to capture a black box .

" Silt is material that tends to be very deep and something that falls there will be swallowed up by the silt on the sea floor , " he said recently .


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Fix Image Hard Work

Company Malaysia Airlines Chief Executive (CEO), Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, on Monday, April 7, 2014, said it continues to work hard to restore the image of MAS after hit by the crisis. Due to the loss of one of their fleet with flight number MH370, MAS is predicted to experience substantial losses.

These events add to the deterioration of the MAS in the last three years has been a loss, as reported by Channel News Asia on Monday. Ahmad admitted MH370 aircraft loss due to the crisis, there will be a decrease in ticket booking.

Therefore, the public began to ask about the neighbor country's airline safety. Not to mention, they also have to spend substantial funds to pay financial compensation to the families of passengers.

"First and foremost, this event clearly has affected the airline," Ahmad said while giving a press conference in Kuala Lumpur daily.

He went still much work to be done. "These is a clear need to work together to get out of the crisis," he added.

Genesis loss MH370 aircraft, which until now has not been found reported extensively throughout the world. It was, obviously be bad for imaging airline disaster that had always been in the ranks of the safest in the world.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Ahmad admitted that there was a decline in ticket sales for Malaysia Airlines. However, he described it as something natural.

"The airline needs to take up to six months to recover from the problem that we call the market reputation. Fact, we intend to fix it more quickly," said Ahmad.

Unfortunately, he did not explain further the extent to which the crisis MH370 financial effect on sales or government-owned airline that neighbor country.

When asked on Monday whether he would resign immediately as the highest lead, Ahmad replied not want to resign. "I personally think I still have to work here," he said.

According to the analyst the cause of MAS losers apart due to poor governance in the company, as well as too much government meddling. Not to mention, the amount of labor that is swollen and stubborn attitude of the unions to change, make the airline less competitive than other airlines.

During this time, said analysts, who make the airline survive only financial support from the investment entity owned by the Government of Malaysia. They have a 70 percent stake in MAS.
(see also: pabrik pakan burung)

Their nominal predicted losses will be higher, because one of the law firms based in the United States is planning to sue the MAS and Boeing with the fantastic nominal RM4, 95 billion or Rp17 trillion.

Whereas previously the company has announced in the year 2013 yesterday, they lose money worth RM1, 17 billion. The value was higher than that predicted by the analysis. While in 2011 and 2012, they lose RM2, 5 billion and RM433 million.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Leaked Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Start Circulating

Samsung seems to be strengthening its expansion in the tablet market . The new tablet from the South Korean company that emerged through whistle- chirp specialist gadgets Twitter account , @ evleaks .

Expected to carry the name of Galaxy Tab 4 , the product is likely to have a variant of 7.0 and 10.1 which also explains the size of the tablet 's screen .
(see also: situs download aplikasi gratis)

According to Trusted Review reported on Tuesday ( 01/04/2014 ) , the booms @ evleaks display two images Galaxy Tab 10.1 4 , in black and white .

Specifications are likely to be brought in the new tablet namely Samsung 10.1 -inch screen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels . Embedded processor is most likely a Qualcomm Snapdragon Adreno 400 GPU with support for 305 .

While the camera feature does not bring many changes from the previous series . At the back there is a 3 megapixel main camera ( MP ) and 1.3 MP front camera . Plus an internal storage capacity of 16 GB .

Was also seen in the leaked design that is not much different from its predecessor . In fact , the tablet is arguably looks similar to the Galaxy Tab 3 of the series .
(see also: waptrick mp3 download)

Then what is the most notable difference from previous versions ? We wait for the answer from Samsung .
